At Startuplab, we believe in the power of nurturing early-stage startups and helping them transform their bold ideas into successful ventures. Since 2012, we've supported more than 500 tech startups — and a majority of these are still growing!

Several of our startup companies deliver services and products supporting climate change adaptation. Three of these companies will be contributing to I hardt vær - see them on stage, and meet them in the exhibition area!

"Klimarelaterte naturfarer er romlige fenomener og krever et geografisk definert rammeverk for å kartlegge, evaluere og mitigere slike farer. Tilpasning av ny og eksisterende infrastruktur til et klima i stadig endring forutsetter robuste verktøy, koblet med effektive analyser for å sikre effektiv og kunnskapsbasert beslutningstagning. 7Analytics er ledende på utviklingen av risiko og sårbarhetsverktøy for alle relevante brukergrupper."
CTO & Co-Founder Werner Svellingen, 7analytics

"Average annual insured losses due to intense rain in Norway have increased by 98% for commercial and 33% for private properties in the last seven years. What we take for granted like access to affordable property insurance is about to disappear unless we build resilience through climate adaptation. I hardt vaer is a great place where researcher, startups, the public sector and corporates can solve this challenge together."
Laurent Feuilleaubois, CEO and Co-Founder, Mitigrate AS

"Choosing the right software for sustainability reporting is about more than compliance; it's about empowering your team to navigate sustainability confidently."
Petter Reistad, CEO, Celsia